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To blow up or not to blow up, that is the question...

After looking again at Claire Scully's beautiful take on urban nature (see post below), I was inspired to dig out some photos that I took last spring with the thought of blowing one up big and framing it. Now I need your help...

I really love London, where I was born, and really love the frequent clash of the wild and the brutalist that you get in this city. But photography of this sort is not, as you'll see, my forte. However, not having the funds to commission a photographer to capture the juxtaposition of lush pink blossom and bleak-but-beautiful concrete that I am craving to hang on my wall, my own efforts will have to do. Here are some more...

Where do you come in? Well, I can't decide a) which of the snaps (from 1-5 above, or the main image, top) might be worth enlarging for the purpose, b) if they're actually so rubbish that I shouldn't bother or, c) if there is anything I can do via the magic of Photoshop to slightly improve what I have captured. What do you think?

And if any of you have examples of photos you've taken and blown up to frame that you'd like to share, I'd love to see them. Drop me a line at: kate [at]


  1. I had to laugh when I read this, because while I have lots of pictures of cherry blossom, I don't think there is so much as a millimetre of building in them! I'll bear you in mind when I'm out with my camera this spring.
    I like the top picture, the big one. I've taken the liberty of dragging off onto my desktop so I can tinker with it. I'll email it back to you.

  2. i like your photos...i am not a all, i havent a clue about lighting,space etc etc,that doesnt mean i dont recognise a cool pic. i like the contrasts in your pics the use of space. i take similar pics if i pass something that catchs my eye i take a pic,they deserve to be in a frame!!Aimee-london

  3. Only just seen these and I really like numbers 3 and 5 because they're so representative of sarf london. Use these two......take again with blue sky and clouds or just colour them up via technology. Why not!
