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Monday, 17 February 2014

Object of the day: stuffed drawings

This crazy looking little figure would look good on a shelf, especially in a kids' bedroom (but don't let that limit you). It's like a Donna Wilson creature cushion on acid.

And if children's brains are as free as a hallucinogen fuelled mind, then it sort of is. Because this stuffed character is modelled on an original child's drawing. Brilliant, no?
Thorody, the fabric company that makes them, offers a bespoke service whereby you can send in an original work of art by the small person in your life, and they will transform it into a 3-D one of these. Like this...

Not a bad idea for a birthday present for close family members or the little artist him or herself. And it'll last longer than that drawing Blutacked onto the fridge door (and it'd need to as they're not cheap). Prices for the bespoke service on request.

You can also buy ready-designed creatures, which cost £30 each, so only for very special people. My favourite is the Ginger the Reindeer, below.
Find out more at

Post by Kate

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