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Friday, 14 February 2014

The Friday edit #2

Back again with a round up of some of the best things I've seen/read/received this week. Happy weekend, all.

(Clockwise from top left)

1. Meet the original Brooklyn hipsters: The New York Public Library has more than 500 of Dinanda Nooney's 1978-79 photographs of Brooklyn dwellers, many taken in their homes. Apartment Therapy published the highlights. Excellently nostalgic, fascinatingly voyeuristic.

2. A Place to Live is the name of painter, Trevor Burgess's, long-running series of artworks depicting ordinary urban homes. I love them (and you can see a few examples in this previous post, along with info about the project). Or... if you are in the Reading vicinity, chip up to Trevor's latest show, to which he's added lots more new paintings. 1-28 March at the Peacock Gallery, Maiden Erlegh School, Silverdale Road, Reading RG6 7HS. 0118 926 2467

3. How Pinterest thinks you should celebrate Valentine's day was a post that made me laugh from a favourite foodie website The Kitchn (them of the popular story about "normal kitchens"). If you're sick of heart-shaped anything too, you'll appreciate it. (And if you like the site – you should, it's brill! – you might like to know about their upcoming cookbook.)

4.  The Stockwell Park Estate, a stone's throw from where I live, is often in the news for rather bleak reasons. But this week, Design Week published pictures of something more positive: this colourful new navigation system, made with locally designed tiles.

5. Meet Charming Baker. This cult British artist is responsible for my Valentine's non-card this year. I like the sentiment. It's a sticker and was acquired from an eBay-er in the US ("very rare!" apparently). I'm going to put it in a little frame I think. It was originally given away at a CB exhibition in Los Angeles. We've got a few of his paintings around the house and a print (I've uploaded them here and here on Pinterest) and you can see more of his stuff here - or buy the last remaining sticker for sale on eBay (for just a couple of dollars).

6. 90s revival? I defer again, I'm afraid, to Apartment Therapy. But this was just too good to ignore: they suggest we could be poised for a 1990s interiors revival and pontificate on how this look might be updated. Love it. You might also fancy browsing these spectacular 1990s copies of Living Etc. Anyone else remember the "Weekend in the life of..."series? I'm still on the hunt for early participants Annie & Prosper. If you're out there – holler!

That's me off till Monday. Tonight, it's a romantic night in with the start of House of Cards Season II (not seen it? Ohmygodit'sbrilliant. Kevin Spacey is so very bad and strangely sexy).

Oh, and if you're in London this weekend, it's the last couple of days of the Heal's Modern Craft Market. I went to the opening and it had some excellent stuff on show and for sale.

From left to right: Kangan Arora's bright cushions; Maxina Dragomirova's sexy seating; Fay McCaul's knitted table illuminations;

Post by Kate

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