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Ikea fabric: curtains and
blinds made easy

Over Christmas I have lots of DIY plans. Like most people, I started decorating when I moved in, did loads and then ran out of steam for about two years. Now I'm back on it, determined to get rid of bare plaster patches, lights hanging in the wrong place, curtains that didn't quite work...

Clockwise from top left: Britten Nummer, £2.99 per metre; Saralisa, £5.99 per metre; Gunvor, £3.99 per metre; Charlotta, £3.99 per metre.

On the last point, my aim is to redistribute as much as possible because I hate waste. And fortunately (which is the only context in which I can say this) I've never managed to organise window coverings for my bedroom and my office (it's blankets pushed through window tops all the way. So classy). But back to the positives: this means those windows are ripe to take the recycled kitchen blinds, which will look much better anywhere but the kitchen. And – ta-da – leaves space for one retail purchasing splash: new blinds. I'd love to be crafty enough to make my own, but sadly my impatience is greater than my ability to measure things properly. So I was looking around for a solution and typed 'Ikea Roman blinds' into Google, just in case it could be that easy. But rather than Ikea, I got directed to Curtains Made Simple.

Clockwise, from top left: Annamoa, £5.99; Solgerd, £5.99; Gullvi, £5.95 per metre; Benzy Skepp, £6.99.

This brilliant company will make bespoke blinds or curtains for you in any fabric but – and this is the clever bit – they stock Ikea. So you don't even need to make a trip to the big blue and yellow vortex of pain on your local ring road and mess around posting it to them. You can do it all via the ridiculously user-friendly website – and as well as Ikea, they also stock ranges from Cath Kidston, Cabbages and Roses and Kai to name but a few. Or you can send them your own. (nb. They don't stock ALL Ikea fabrics; but they do stock some that Ikea have discontinued, which evens things out.)

But I'm definitely going for Ikea: browsing through the range I was reminded just what a spectacular range of Scandi-cool textiles it sells. Now all I need to decide is which one to pick... Hmm.


  1. All of those wonderful patterns! How can you choose?!

  2. Impossible! Btw, just nosed around your blog - which is very nice - and saw those insane rings full of tiny people. I was recently taken with these, in a similar vein:

  3. We recently used the 'faces' fabric from IKEA in an office renovation and it looked fab. The website doesn't do them justice they look & feel much better in real life.

  4. I'd love to see some pics Sejal - if you have some that do do it justice?
