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Friday, 13 April 2012

And the winners are...

Cushion giveaway entrants... voila the prize draw. I didn't have a hat, so I drew the winning names out of a Barbie-shaped bag my mum brought back from New York for me when I was about 13... 

The four runners up*, winning either bird or map card sets, as you can see on the left, are: Jess, Kelly, Anna and Dominique D. Congratulations!

And the winner** of the cushion is... drum roll... KATY.

Thank you to everyone for entering. Sorry to those who didn't win – but if you're in London, do try to make the sale, tomorrow in Covent Garden at the Seven Dials Club from 2.30-4.30pm. I've just found out that among all the goodies will be my favourite homemade cookies ever: peanut butter and chocolate. Worth it for those alone, let alone all the gorgeous cushions, owl doorstops, cards, hand-knitted babyclothes and, of course, the human fruit machine.

See more about the sale in my earlier posts.

Hope to see some of you there!

*** Please could the winner and runners up drop me a line at kate [at] with addresses etc and I shall post your goodies out next week!

PS. Some entries didn't include their favourite design/interiors website ... and I realised this was because I only put this on one of the posts about the giveaway. So I let you off as it's totally my fault. But please do let me know all the same... And thanks to everyone else for sharing their tips.

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