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Friday, 27 April 2012

Vintage East German dollshouse furniture at Winter's Moon

Winter's Moon, which sells very beautiful pieces of pre-loved furniture in Chichester, has just got a small delivery of some very sweet miniature versions of their usual wares, from a stock of unused toys from the German Democratic Republic. You can see what they have below. 

But do also have a look here and here at a couple posts from a while back that I have just added new images to – all about midcentury dollhouses and the people who lovingly collect or make teeny tiny G-Plan units, sew cushions out of 1950s fabric and spend fortunes on miniature Eames chairs. I interviewed some of them for a piece I wrote for the Independent and loved these collectors' dedication, plus the houses are spectacular strangely compelling (and don't let the kids anywhere near them).

Miniature vintage wooden table, chairs and flower, £16

Miniature vintage wooden wine set, £7.50

Miniature vintage broom cupboard, £36

See lots more images of tiny houses by clicking on the image captions below.

call of the small

Modern Miniatures


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