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Melody Rose's naked plates

I love these plates, by Melody Rose – who takes old plates and gives them (in this case) a surreal little twist... 

...Turning each piece (and she does cups and saucers and teapots, too) into an unusual work of art.

'The Models' plate, £48

As such, they are not cheap  – but a lone pair of this naked backview on a wall would be enough, especially as part of a collection of assorted plates. It'd make an unusual wedding present, too.

On the plate topic, I was recently given a brilliant one – a bright yellow fish version of the Ironstone beefeater plates that I've previously featured (see them here). When I've found the right wall for it, I'll post up a photo, and write a little bit about plates on walls generally (a very good alternative to art, often a very cheap one too).

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