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Tuesday, 31 July 2012

The Simple Things: new magazine launch

At last, I'm allowed to talk about a beautiful and refreshingly different new magazine that I've known about for a while, and to which I'm going to be contributing. It is published by the people behind the excellent craft magazine, Mollie Makes.

The Simple Things is not an interiors magazine, but home is a big theme – along with topics including gardens, food, walks, pottering and friends – and there are some lovely spaces and home-y things featured. One of the things I love about it is that it features real people of all ages who don't all look like they've been styled in borrowed clothes for a glossy shoot, and are all the more interesting to look at as a result. It also rejects the idea that spending is the answer – hence the title: life's best pleasures are often very simple.

It launches in print form on September 6, but you can check a digital preview of the magazine here.

What do you think?


  1. It looks great! It's coming out on the same date as the October issue of 'Complete France', where my company Voulez-vous parler will be featured. All the best! Sophie

  2. Heard about this about an hour ago, and then saw your post. I think it looks amazing, can't wait!
