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Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Object of the day: totally kitsch swan light

A couple of weeks ago I paused in front of a shop window near my house, ogling the unusual lamps in the window display. 

All sorts of ornamental objects had been wired up and fitted with lampholders, and they looked brilliant. And today, via the magic that is Twitter, I think I may have stumbled across these lovely lights' makers: a south coast-based duo called the Lost and Foundry. Check out their illuminated swan.

Illuminated Swan, £39

It's kind of spectacularly ridiculous in its kitschness, and yet brilliantly appealing. What do you think? A good price, too.

Lost and Foundry are Maxine and Tom Michaelides, and I love the ethos behind their creative designs. As they put it: "We delight in the forgotten, the over-looked and the discarded items that are all around us. We work with these world-weary treasures to produce lights which charm and intrigue. And like all of us, every light is different."

There's something really nice about that, that they're not a vast operation turning out vintage "style" replicas of old tins and ornaments. And that, above, is a darn good biscuit barrel. The use of dead lightbulbs among the living, so to speak, is also very clever.

I'm also enjoying this little chap...

Alright Cocker, £45

Maxine and Tom have very recently started selling their work in their own online shop. Check it out.


  1. They have an online shop? Uh-oh....

  2. These are completely delightful! Am off to their shop now!

  3. These are really outstanding and unusual lamps. I loved that, especially the duck lamp. It enables anyone to put home in beautiful lights with beautiful lamps. Thank you for sharing the great post here.
