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Friday, 21 March 2014

The Friday Edit #7: a mad bad bathroom, Snoop's Air BnB crib and how to eat like Martin Parr

A look back at some of the week's best design (well, design-ish) links...

Chinoiserie: not a look I've ever thought of dabbling with. Until I saw this fabulous image – that green! With that pink! Wow. It looks gooooood. There's also a great tip for wallpapering if you're renting. Read the full post at 

The images of this light, beautifully floored flat – and the slightly disturbing giant image of the girl in the poster – had me longing for a super spring clean. More of a clear-out really. In fact, a bit of a change of style. Uh-oh... See more at

Photograph: Martin Parr

You've got until the rest of the month to catch The Art of Dining, a visually fantastic but gastronomically dubious-sounding pop-up restaurant, inspired by the photography of Martin Parr. If you're feeling flush, get yourself a copy of his valuable 1995 book, British Food – and check out some of Parr's favourite British photography here. Book at the restaurant at

If you're prone to crying at stupidly lovely images of people who've been in love for, like, ever – be warned of the emotional wonderfulness of this set of images. American photographer, Lauren Fleishman's Love Ever After depicts New York couples who've been together for 50+ years. Sob. See more at

Photograph: Vivien Killilea / Getty Images for AirBnB

You can stay in an Air BnB designed by Snoop Dog. Yup. F'real. Among other delights, it features gold walls with a marijauna leaf motif and a sign above the that reads ‘BO$$’. Class. Check it out at

Plywood is a much underexposed material – I wrote about using it a flooring a while back, and this amazing Berlin holiday apartment makes beautiful use of the stuff. And I loved this ply-heavy home, featured on

I've been having wobbles that painting the downstairs loo entirely black a few weeks ago was a terrible, sweaty teenager-y, dungeon-y idea. So I was very happy to see this mad, bad and brilliant (though, admittedly, not at all black) bathroom. Isn't it sexy? That's not to say the black loo will be, but once lampshade, splashback and pictures are in situ, it could just be excellent too. See more brill bathrooms at (can't wait to see author, Kimberly Hughes', own when it's done either).

Thanks to Vaneetha aka @Mrs_Wino, for this tip-off too: a Tumblr dedicated entirely to colour palettes picked up from different scenes in Wes Anderson films. Don't you just love the internet? If you saw enjoyed this recent post, you'll love it too. Above: Moonrise Kingdom and The Royal Tenenbaums.

Have good weekends!

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