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Friday, 11 April 2014

Friday Edit #8: illustrated homes, super shelves, a super-cool table and some surprises

Apologies for last week's lack of Edit, in case anyone noticed. 

But it's back! (And with bigger pictures and everything.)

Still Life Interior blog
Do you know the OK Corral online shop? You must! Run by photographer Holly Joliffe, it's a proper treasure trove. Now her mum, Joy, who designs lovely cushions sold through Random Retail, has started a side project: Still Life Interior blog. It's only two posts in but I'm already hooked on her objects with stories.

Room For Rent
Mike Ellis, Toronto-based illustrator for The Boston Globe and New York Times, among many more, drew some pictures of his friends' houses. They're brilliant. You can see more at It's Nice That. He drew them for an exhibition and displayed the pictures inside 3D dollshouses, lit up with LED lights.

George W Bush paints
In case you missed this week's news to this effect, it is indeed true. He's been skillfully painting world leaders in oils (or copying them off Google images, according to one art critic). Read about them all over the place, including

At home with Out of the Dark
The new issue of beautiful quarterly online magazine, Heart Home, is just out – and it features a house tour of the home of Jay and Jade Blades, founders of my favourite furniture reviving company/social enterprise, Out of the Dark. How beautiful is that black-topped kitchen table? Love it. And if you want to read about the time I went to High Wycombe to meet the couple at their workshop, click here.

Something you didn't know you needed
I was unfamiliar with taps installed above hobs. But Remodelista, this week, has educated me. I can't decide if they're a decadently brilliant idea or pointless wastes of money. This one looks beautiful though.

And in case you weren't around...
On the blog this week was a smokin hot French home (spot the sculpture that got mistaken for something altogether different...), Pretty Finnish prints inspired by Grandma's socks, some sewing activism and possibly my best interiors bargain ever.

May your weekends be full of inspiration. All going well, mine should be full of small children, old friends, sea air, junk rummaging and new picture frames. How nice!

Catch up on previous Friday Edits.

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