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Monday, 24 November 2014

Spotlight on... Kinska ceramics at the Crafty Fox Christmas markets

Kinska was a fashion designer, until she found clay...

And I discovered this ceramicist's witty and wonderfully odd work while co-curating the Crafty Fox Christmas markets, along with Emy Gray, preposterously stylish owner of Brixi in Brixton Market, and online retail legend, Supermarket Sarah (see some of of the gems we picked out at the Crafty Fox blog).
Last week, I was interviewed about what it was like to be a guest curator for Crafty Fox's blog, where I also picked out some more of the stalls I'm especially looking forward to seeing at the trio of events, which take place in London's Dalston, Peckham and Brixton. Can't make it to the smoke? You can shop some of the clever crafters online – check em out at

Above: my pick of some of the lovely things you will find – including Kinska, at no.3 – at the Crafty Fox Christmas markets this year, taking place in Dalston (29th & 30th November); Brixton (6th & 7th December); Peckham (13th & 14th). For maps and more details, go to

Meanwhile, enjoy more of Kinska's excellently odd ceramics, which start at around £19 for a hand-made mug via Etsy, though at the markets she will have a special selection of designs for sale at various prices.

'Ennui Party II' 

'Blue Fort' ceramic planter

'Egypt' vase, £70

3-D face mug, £26

'Hand-built wonky cup', £19

See more of Kinska at Pinterest and buy pieces at her Etsy shop or at the Brixton Christmas Crafty Fox market, and see what else Emy, Sarah and I have put together for you.

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