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Two bears

Last week, I was at the flat of friend and artist Russell Loughlan, whose poignant animals-thinking-deeply artworks I wrote about recently. He had a new junk market purchase sitting on the kitchen table. 

As you might imagine, Russell's place is full of animal-related decor and art. So hardly surprising that this one doesn't buck the trend. Isn't he nice?

Funnily enough, my neighbours (whose enviably stylish home I've also plundered for this blog, mercenary journalist that I am) also have one of these bears. My neighbours' bear sits on the middle bar of their sash window, visible the street. So if I look up on my way home (which I always do, because I'm that sort of nosey neighbour) I see the mournful yet dignified beast standing in silhouette. Interestingly one half of the bear-owning neighbours – Emma Broughton – is also an artist who, like Russell, features thought-provoking animals in her work (I really love her pigeons).

So as there are clearly a few of these bears around, I did a bit of hunting and found that if you're looking online quite a few come up with keywords such as "art deco" "victorian" "cast iron" and "moneybox" (oh yes, he's a functional bear)...

And those keywords probably tell you as much as I could about this chap. Except I think he may also be of German extraction as "Black Forest style" comes up in a few of the searches. His broad shoulders, seen from behind here, make me feel sad for him; this big, strong beast – once made to dance for idiots like us.

In case you are interested in finding your own bear, I have by fluke found a live eBay listing among all the "sold"s I encountered while searching.

It's for a brass-coloured one, but as details are scant it's unclear whether he's solid brass or just dipped in it – the latter I'd guess, or postage would be way more than £5. Have a look on eBay yourself; he's £30 including postage (within the UK).

And if you buy him – let us know!


  1. Love him! Thanks for sharing, I shall now keep my eyes peeled for unusual bears whenever I'm hunting in flea markets and junk shops!


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