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Wednesday, 5 February 2014

The Insider: The best Ikea hacks ever?

"Things are not always what they seem," state Elia Maurizi and Francesco Pepa, the duo behind Italian design company, Teste Di Legno (which means, by the way, "blockheads"). 

"Ask yourself: is it possible to revolutionize the furniture of Ikea, the company that revolutionised how millions of people live? Yes, it is." And thus they explain the thinking behind their incredibly brilliant new range of furniture, Lato B: almost certainly the best Ikea hacks you've ever seen.

It was after a trip to the Swedish behemoth to furnish their office that inspiration struck. After assembling the first piece of furniture according to Ikea's instructions, the pair decided to assemble the rest in their own way.

As such, the magnificent construction you see above is: an Ekby Valter bracket, an Ikea PS cabinet and drawers, a Lack wall shelf, a Lampan table lamp, a Micke drawer unit, a set of Moppe mini drawers, a Rimlig napkin holder, a bottle of Ikea mild mustard and a Tarva nightstand.

Or, in the Blockheads' own words: "To quote the famous René Magritte's pipe painting on which it is written 'This is not a pipe', observing our proposals would suggest the comment, 'This is not a table'. It is not a table in the way (idea) that we usually imagine (see) a table. Ours is a table with something else inside, above, below and around it."

Check out the rest of the range and be very, very inspired.

Find out which Ikea products have gone into each design at

Post by Kate. Images: Teste Di Legno. Source: PSFK

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