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Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Tuesday question: coloured kitchen appliances – would you?

I was recently part of a research panel for a kitchen appliances brand. One topic we discussed was colour: good or not so good. What do you reckon?

To me, a washing machine, an oven, a dishwasher – whatever – these are things that should work well and also look as if they work well.

Something in a seasonally fashionable colour runs the risk of outdating before its working life perishes (though fortunately I have yet to find an appliance so seasonal that it's sporting Pantone's much-debated colour of the year). Even the faddish silver fridge-freezer I bought in 2007 rapidly lost its appeal and, bar the expense, I was almost glad when it gave up the ghost last summer so I could get an old-school white one. 

But when the new range of super bright appliances from the Slovenian company, Gorenge, appeared on my desk I did stop to reconsider. I kind of like them. Launched this month, they're quite reasonably priced too.

Looks-wise, a laundry room, as above – not a standard British luxury as it is in many other countries – obviously helps. It's usually simpler to decorate a one-function space around a feature (colour co-ordinated washing is perhaps another bonus).  Then again, Smegs (above) in all sorts of shades have remained popular: right? And if you're passionate about bright colours (like the stylist behind this post from last week) what's to lose?

That said, the Gorenje range, which includes a washing machine (starting at £449), a tumble dryer and a fridge, comes in non brights too: white, black (see below) and stainless steel, as well as red and the orange pictured at the top. 
While Swan also do a colourful range called Vintage in six colours including pastels, very 50s diner if you like that sort of thing (and if you do, sell it at decent prices). 

And if one colour isn't enough for you, check out this floral fridge featured on the ever excellent Domino website.

But would you still love any them tomorrow?

Post by Kate. Images: Gorenje, Smeg, Domino Magazine


  1. I so would! We already have an orange Smeg and I'm gutted that this orange machine wasn't around last year and we had to make do with buying a dull old white one!

  2. I want a food stand mixer in a bright colour. However the likes of Kenwood coloured mixers are too pricey, so I think I may settle with this Its not overly creative, but at least it's not white
